We Offer 24-Hour Transportation Throughout the Ardsley Area
When you hire limousine or bus from Allied Limousine, you’ll be guaranteed the most courteous and knowledgeable chauffeurs, quality sedans and buses plus the assurance of a relaxed trip to your destination. Whether you require a ride to the airport, need a limousine to transport people to business meetings, would like a worry free “Night On the Town”, or another special occasion in Ardsley or the Philadelphia metro area, then be sure to choose the finest.
In addition to the minimum legal requirements, Allied Limousine requires our chauffeurs to undergo specific extra training. These courses involve evasive and defensive driving techniques, the proper methods to ensure safety in the most extreme conditions such as inclement weather, a flat tire at high speeds, or other exterior influences that may cause the loss of vehicular control. Allied Limousine has our own courses as to what and how we expect our chauffeurs to perform. Our chauffeurs accelerate, decelerate and turn slowly. You will never feel unsafe or uncomfortable from bad driving habits. Allied Limousine teaches proper etiquette to use in the presence of our clientele. Whether you’re looking for limousine drivers for your wedding, prom, funeral, corporate business, sporting event or travel itinerary, you are in safe hands with Allied Limousine.
Contact us today, or register online now to book your next travel arrangement with Allied Limousine!
How would you like to travel?
We have a number of car options in a range of sizes, so you can fit everyone – in a car and celebrate together.
Chrysler 300 Sedan
3 Passengers
6 Passengers
Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Luxury Limo-Bus
12 Passengers
14 Passengers
Coach Bus
18 Passengers and 28 Passengers
Estimates include suggested gratuity and 20 min local travel time. Tolls and parking not included.
For your convenience, here are a few hotels and restaurants in the Ardsley area:
- Best Western Fort Washington Inn
- 285 Commerce Drive
- 215-542-7930
- Hilton Garden Inn Philadelphia/Fort Washington
- 530 Pennsylvania Avenue
- 215-646-4637
- Holiday Inn Express & Suites Fort Washington
- 432 Pennsylvania Avenue
- 215-591-9000
- Jasmine Asian Bistro
- 138 S Easton Road
- 215-885-4333
- Tamarindos Mexican Restaurant
- 726 Bethlehem Pike
- 215-619-2390
- Marzano Ristorante
- 309 York Road
- 215-277-7480